Welcome to The Charter in the Classroom

In 1982, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was signed into law and became an integral part of the Canadian Constitution. The Charter outlines the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed to individuals and groups in Canada, and it provides protection against government actions and laws that may infringe on those rights. This learning tool, entitled The Charter in the Classroom: Students, Teachers and Rights (CC: STAR) provides a resource for students, teachers, and anyone wanting to have a better understanding of the Charter.

Through interviews, case re-enactments, activities and resource links, CC: STAR provides learners with an opportunity to fully explore the meaning and application of the following 10 key Charter concepts:

Concept 1: Background on the development of the Charter
Concept 2: Limitations to Charter rights
Concepts 3 - 5: Charter freedoms
Concepts 6 - 7: Legal rights
Concepts 8 - 9: Equality rights
Concept 10: Minority language rights

CC: STAR was developed in partnership with the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Inukshuk Wireless, the Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust (CCLET), and the Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN). Carswell, a division of Thomson Reuters Canada Limited provided many of the articles available in Resources. Thank you to all involved who provided expertise, acting skills, feedback, and support during this project.

Disclaimer - The resources presented in this learning tool, the Charter in the Classroom: Students, Teachers and Rights (CC: STAR) are included only to assist in the study of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They do not necessarily represent an endorsement of a position or issue, opinion or view of its contributors, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Inukshuk Wireless, the Ontario Justice Education Network, the Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust or any of the people, organizations, or institutions affiliated with it.