Concept 1: The Constitution Act Background

Svend Robinson talks about the different groups that made presentations to the Special Joint Committee on the Constitution in 1980-81. He mentioned the Canadian Human Rights Commission, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, the Canadian Jewish Congress, the National Association of Japanese Canadians, the National Action Committee on the Status of Women, the Indian, Inuit and Métis National Organizations and the Canadian National Institute of the Blind.

Choose one group and explore what is the mandate of the group. Why would the group want to present before the Committee? How do their ideals match with what the Charter stands for?

Mr. Robinson's list does not represent every group that presented. What groups do you think should be included that he did not mention? Why?

If you were invited to make a presentation representing a group, what group would it be? What would you have said?

Disclaimer - The resources presented in this learning tool, the Charter in the Classroom: Students, Teachers and Rights (CC: STAR) are included only to assist in the study of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They do not necessarily represent an endorsement of a position or issue, opinion or view of its contributors, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Inukshuk Wireless, the Ontario Justice Education Network, the Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust or any of the people, organizations, or institutions affiliated with it.